Take part in our Hedgehog Survey

Hedgehog. Photo: Tom Marshall

The hedgehog, scientific name Erinaceus europaeus, is an instantly recognisable mammal, but there is growing concern that hedgehog populations are declining nationally. Help us to monitor the distribution of hedgehogs in Essex by reporting sightings of hedgehogs in your garden, or in your local area. 

Click here to find out more and report your sightings!


Get involved! Projects for volunteers

The Common Swift is one of our iconic migratory visitors, coming from the insect rich skies over the African Congo to breed in the UK but numbers are declining.

Swift. Photo: Andrew Moreton

Partnership projects

Orchards East is an exciting new HLF funded project to survey orchards in the East of England region. Essex Wildlife Trust Biological Records Centre is working with other records centres... more

Essex Wildlife Trust has been working with the invertebrate conservation charity Buglife on their B-Lines initiative, identifying and developing wildflower-rich habitats across Essex as... more Wildflower meadow in Stebbing, Essex.

The Blackwater Estuary is a key Living Landscape area within Essex. Through this Living Landscape and in partnership with Maldon District Council and Butterfly Conservation, Essex Wildlife Trust... more Brimstone butterfly. Photo: Jim Higham