This site consists of the disused Maldon to Witham railway line together with adjacent habitats of value including a pond, wet woodland, veteran trees, young woodland and scrub. The former railway line is managed by Essex County Council as a linear park and cyclists are encouraged. The site forms an outstanding corridor for wildlife, with only one small break just north of Langford.
Two large pollarded Oaks immediately west of the railway line are also included within the site. These appear to be remnants of a former parkland habitat around Wickham Hall. Further significant trees lie further away from the site in this area, but cannot justifiably be included.
Selection Criteria: HCr2c, HCr2d, HCr13, SCr15
UK BAP Priority Habitats: Wet Woodland
Condition and Threats: The habitat along the track is largely unmanaged, but is in good overall condition. Whilst owned by Essex County Council there should be no threats to its continued existence.
- Maldon
- Heybridge
- Langford
- Wickham Bishops